Sunday, January 30, 2011


20" x 30", acrylic on canvas.
A painting I did for a special request. It is obviously very different from most of my works. However, it is refreshing doing something out of the routine.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Solitude 1

Many people have told me my artworks would look very cool in living rooms if they were bigger. I totally agree but I just couldn't work on anything bigger than 15 inches because of many reasons. Most of my works are illustrations that need to be reproducible. Thus, they should be in sizes that can fit in the scanner I have access to, which is around 19 inches by 15 inches. 
When I frame some of my favourite works, I wish they were bigger, too. It reminds me I am an painter before an illustration. My works don't have to be reproducible all the time. I wanted to do a big painting for a long time but haven't had any inspiration. One day I think I should stop waiting for inspiration and just start it. After doing some sketches on paper and in Photoshop, I finally had an idea for the painting: a semi abstract image of a granite quarry. This is what I finish. It is not semi abstract at all, and looks like an illustration more than a painting I had in mind. It is totally not a granite quarry either. But I am happy with it. It is fun to work on something that takes shape on its on.
The size is just 19 inches. However, it is actually big when I have to paint the under layer with my fingers and colour pencils on top. I took a photo of it. The colour aren't correct but I guess that's ok for now. This is a good start. Next time I will work even bigger.

Solitude 1

Monday, January 10, 2011


I found a photo I took a couple weeks ago while cleaning up my hard drive. It was just water on the glass of my window. The white behind it was the sun. Looking at this photo, I see a lighthouse in a sea of mist, like in a dream when we don't really see much but we know what it is. However, I think the photo alone is quite abstract, maybe a nice quote will help defining it better. And I found this quote: "there always a touch of sadness around the most beautiful things in life". What a perfect quote for my photo! Although it isn't literally about the image I have in my mind but it describes well my feeling. As an artist, I believe it is best to share the feeling with others and leave the visual part for them to interpret.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Photo of a winter day

I went for a walk in the neighborhood with my camera. There is a nice lake near by where most couples go for their wedding photos.  The lake was frozen and the paths around it were slippery with ice. The landscape was nice in the sunset but I didn't get any good photo out of it. My feet were already numb after an hour wandering. I gave up and on my way heading home when I spot a hokey goal with a tennis ball sitting on the net. It probably has been there since summer. Maybe I don't have any typical photo of winter today but a photo of the forgotten summer is not bad.